I develop Angular apps.

Matteo Forcellini Web Developer
Matteo Forcellini
Angular Developer

Last Update:

December 2022

About Me

I am an expert in the Angular Framework, state management with NGRX and NGXS, functional reactive programming with RXJS, and front-end development with technologies such as Ionic, HTML, CSS/SCSS/SASS, Angular Material, PrimeNg, MDBootstrap, and Bootstrap-css 4.0/5.0. I have a strong track record of success in using these tools to build high-quality, effective applications. I am confident that my skills and experience make me the perfect candidate for any project that requires expertise in these areas.
My actual skills are:
Angular Framework (Version from 2
to 15);
● NGRX State Manager;
● NGXS State Manager;
● RXJS Library;
● Ionic 6;
● Angular Material;
● PrimeNg;
● MD Bootstrap;
● Lottie/Bodymovin;
● Web Animations (SVG);
● Javascript/ES6/ES7;
● TypeScript;
● UI/UX Design;
● WordPress;
● Bootstrap css;
● Git;
● Adobe XD;
● Sketch;
● Adobe Illustrator;
● Adobe InDesign;
● Adobe Photoshop;
● After Effects and all Adobe suite.

  • Age . . . . . 41
  • Address . . . . . Ravenna (Ra)
  • Country . . . . . Italy
My Services

I started as a freelancer in 2015, from the very beginning I started using Angular, right from the first Angular JS version. My goal has always been to learn something new every day.

UX/UI Consultant

Even when developing applications, I am always oriented towards usability, I can provide personalized advice regarding UI and UX troubleshooting.